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The Subconscious and the Conscious mind is equally at help here. Right in the middle of the dead of the night, one sees things happening.

Premonitions | Dreams | Happenings - one can not say what these are. But what is seen and what one gets, is a path laid with breadcrumbs that lead to creations. These creations we put forth you - the reader, to gorge upon.

Feelings | Emotions | Experiences - many a times one goes through something that is hard to explain. Quite easier to pen down. What comes out is a prose or a poem that lays a path for the moment to be felt again. These too will add to the list of things we present upon you.

To reach out to the authors visit www.allthingsme.in. We are based in India | Bharat | Hindustan - multiple names the world has known this land with.

We hope to hear from you and share feedback of the work we present upon you.

Happy reading.

As the creator, this Work Portfolio is an extension to Art and Creativity the way I see it, which I have understood comes mostly by birth. It’s mostly innate. There was this joke around in the family that one of my father’s close cousin’s family had visited us on my birth and professed that the hands of the young-one seemed to be that of a creative mind.

Old wife’s tale, possibly. But it stuck to my mind during the growing days. I know for sure looking at my work over the years that it was not even nearing the prophecy. But it indeed inspired me to keep trying and honestly whatever it turned out to be i brought me happiness. I was able to look at the creations and recollect the feelings I had when I had initially worked upon them.

Find something new – always

This feeling inspired me to keep trying new hand every now. Then at something and that is the journey I wish to share with the world. This journey has mostly been of self-awareness and seeking happiness in as small a thing as could be humanely imagined and executed. Spending some time nibbling on the sketching sheets. Trying a hand at writing something. Or to possibly just walk by unknown places and snapping some photographs that caught my eye.

Some lucky individuals are ‘supposed’ to be living this dream of a life and enjoying every minute to every second of it. What is interesting to understand and consider is that this life – it’s like second nature to them. What I wish to believe? If you like what you do and find beauty in it and it helps you in building inner peace, go for it. Keep doing it. Starting with that belief was possibly the first point that helped me get to where I am. The feeling of content keeps me going forward to try things which seemed out of bounds at some point in time.

The need for keeping a passion

What am I essentially trying to convey? Becoming the creator bring inner peace. This inner peace allows and forces one to not be holding oneself back. Not holding back at trying out what one believes in. Which at the end of each journey brings a sense of contentment which is hard to find in this fast-paced life. A life we all have come to be living.

In this effort to make a good life we have lost the age-old wisdom of inculcating a habit which pleases the heart. Thence the soul and thence the mind and thence the body. This is not something of a metaphor nor ‘wisdom of the learned’. But truly is what I have learnt from my own experiences. The moments we live on our terms is what we remember and relish for a good time to come.

Some legacy that inspires

To think of it I had no formal training in the subject of creating anything. A few elder cousins, uncles and aunts on my paternal side, who i learnt in later life, when I was growing up, were quite fair with the creative sense. Rather they were professionally inclined with the arts as well. It was tough that I understand now that it was more to do with how their crafts made them feel within. Interestingly they were able to do good with it for themselves.

As a teenager when I visited a few of them or heard about others having presented their crafts to the world in various forms, did it finally help me gain more insights. It kept me getting amazed by the many things that they were able to showcase their prowess in, in the subject of their choice.

Inspiration at the home front

My mum too was somewhat what one can say was aware of some fine intricate facts on such – arty – things. She always seemed to find becoming the creator at things more so often. New trials at this and that and what not. Creating recipes, designing stuff – I remember in the younger days I saw her being a teacher to some or the other family member or neighbour who loved what she did and would be around to gain the know-how.

She pushed me here as well as there to take it up at least as a hobby – anything that would help one see what possibilities could be brought to the table. That’s what I did and I liked what I got at the end of the day. It brought me peace. It was unimpressive to start with as I myself would not find value with the end results I brought myself. Slowly however some creations did have me going back to them and having a look again.

I consider what I present each day to share, would find resonance with someone at some point in time and land. Consider these nuggets in fair-view. I also wish to keep learning and keep moving ahead with things on an ongoing basis and look one day at the steps taken to reach the final destination – being able to add some happiness to this world./p>

Namastee. Live. Love. Prosper.

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Digital Consulting Services of any kind.

On the professional front the journey has been interesting. As it should ideally be. Walking this journey you come across many paths.

Combined these paths get grouped into routes that take you towards your own success. What these journeys have taught me is the fact that there are 3 possible ways to find your own success.

  1. You walk the path someone designs for you
  2. You build your own path
  3. Build a hybrid of the above two and call it your own

Learning never stops and it never should. Being a planner at times and being an executor at times has helped me build a skill set that makes me good at what I do - build the topline and the bottomline for the business I have worked with.

The years of exposure to the differing needs of small and medium business has helped me build the arsenal that is needed to keep finding the small gaps and opportunities that build big successes.

Facing challenges in your business? Just reach out and let's talk!

Looking for a business solution to digitize your business problem - chances are my experience may be of service to your needs.

The name of the game here is -

sit meet bleat fleet

Lets sound out the concerns and find the solution together towards your goals.

The Professional Me
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allthingsme.in is legally owned and managed by Manoj Nanik Khemchandani Huf.